PCW Joyce Computer Club
This page is under constant but long lasting construction as from September 1998... Last updated: December 31, 2024.

The Joyce Computer Club (Amsterdam) is the Dutch user group for the Amstrad/Schneider PCW 8256, 8512, 9512, PcW 9256, PcW 9512, 10 and 16 series. Activities are, among others:
- technical support, repairs and upgrading
- data conversion (e.g. MS Dos and WordPerfect 5.1)
- graphics services like scanning, digitising and format conversion
Below are the first subjects that will be completed on this page: more to arrive...
- Standard disclaimer for DIY
- PCW serial communication with a PC (last updated August 20, 2000)
- Mounting a 3.5" disc drive on a PCW (last updated November 20 2013, 2013)
- Mounting a 3" disc drive on a PC (last updated November 21, 2013)
- Internals and reparations of a 3" disc drive (last updated March 24, 2024)
- Upgrading PCW 8256 memory to 512 kilobytes (last updated July 29, 2007)
- Upgrading PcW 9256 memory to 512 kilobytes (last updated July 29 , 2007)
- Do-it-yourself lay-outs for add-ons (last updated October 2, 2022)
- Reinking (matrix) printer ribbons (last updated June 20, 2016)
- The 3" bible (two documents. Last updated November 16, 2004)
- PCW 8256+8512 gallery (last updated June 1, 2003)
- PCW 9512 gallery (last updated April 4, 2020)
- PcW 9256 gallery (last updated July 4, 2000)
- PcW 9512+ gallery (last updated July 29, 2007)
- PcW 10 gallery (last updated July 29, 2007)
- PcW 16 gallery (last updated July 29, 2007)
- The PCW family gallery (last updated June 17, 2021)
- PCW add-on gallery (last updated October 26, 2021)
- Download Public Domain (last updated November 8, 2016)
- Download BASIC Public Domain (last updated October 20, 2021)
- Download Various Software, larger programs and former commercial programs (last updated August 30, 2021)
- Download Various manuals, scanned in PDF format (last updated June 30, 2020)
- Download Walnut Creek CP/M CD-Rom listing (last updated August 15, 2001)
- Download PCW CD-Rom listing (last updated November 28, 2013)
- Joyce Computer Club news and announcements (last updated October 20, 2021)
- PCW (and related) ads (last updated November 28, 2013)
- The PCW library (last updated January 14, 2010)
- PCW related links (last updated October 30, 2022)
- On-line club magazine Joyce Bulletin volume 165, December. PDF file, in Dutch.
You can contact us by means of the contact form: you will receive an answer through email.
Any comments or suggestions relating to this site would be appreciated.