Joyce Library
Having checked various closets with PCW related books and sorted out the duplicates, I did a quick inventory as well and herewith publish the listing for the benefit of all. The list below refers only to PCW dedicated books (unless stated otherwise), no software handbooks and manuals, and contains title, author, publisher, year (indication for e.g. the version of LocoScript described), language and number of pages. Plus the contents of the cover and, in some cases, comments from me. The latter does not mean that the relevant book is, or the others are, inferior, just an indication of the value I think can be attributed to that book. The listing is sorted alphabetically on title.
- 8000 Plus Guide to Micro Design. Alec Rae, Future Publishing, English 114 pages 1991.
The essential handbook for beginners and experienced users alike. This book is intended for owners of the popular DTP package, MicroDesign. Step by step guides to using the various features of the program. Illustrated examples of the results you can expect from you work with MicroDesign. Screenshots to help you towartds a better understanding of the skills you'll be learning. Practial help and advice on how to get the very best from MicroDesign.
- Advanced LocoScript on the Amstrad PCW Computers. Ian Sinclair, Glentop, English 145 pages.
This book is designed for the more experienced users of LocoScript, who are making intensive use of the package. Readers will find this book an invaluable aid to using LocoScript. It offers a thorough examination of the more sophisticated features of LocoScript, enabling the software to be utilised to the full. The outputting of text to the printer is covered early on, as are the various ASCII file options. The cut, copy and past facilities are fully described to enable more elaborate formats to be created. This process is further enhanced by the description of how to produce new layouts and templates. Disk problems are discussed and methods of overcoming them offered. The use of LocoMail and LocoSpell, the wordprocessor enhancements are also covered in the book, giving the reader an easily understood guide to the complete LocoScript suite of programs;
- Amstrad PCW 8256 and PCW 8512, Computer Handbooks, Word Processing, David Hawgood, Pitman 1986, ISBN 0-273-02578-3.
The book covers word processing using the Amstrad PCW 8256 and PCW 8512 and the supplied LocoScript program.
- Amstrad Word Processing on the PCW 8256. Ian Sinclair, Collins Professional and Technical Books, 1986. English 156 pages.
Cover: This book enables beginners to learn professional word processing techniques really quickly without having to wade through long manuals;
- CP/M Plus Anwender-Handbuch CPC 6128/Joyce. Juergen Hueckstaedt, Markt&Technik 1986, German 256 pages.
Cover: ein unentbehrliches Nachslagewerk fuer die praktische Arbeit mit CP/M Plus und seinen Hilfsprogrammen. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen und ausfuehrlichen systemspezifischen Daten zur internen Speicherorganisation und zu Schnittstellen.
Comments: the machine code programming in 8080 is outdated (but the software comes free with the PCW).
- CP/M Plus on the Amstrad PCW. Step by step. John Campbell, New Tech/ PCW Plus 1992, English 171 pages.
Cover: Do you need quick, straightforward, concise information about CP/M Plus on the Amstrad PCW? Need it presented in understandable and easy to read bit size chunks? Need taking through the product 'step by step' with plenty of practical examples? Then this book is for you!
Comments: small but useful, CP/M system only, though. Tailor-written for the Amstrad PCW 8256/8512 (including the keyboard) and some references to the 9512. Several tips, tricks and examples;
- CP/M Plus, Version 3 Operating System. User's Guide, Programmer's Guide and System Guide. Digital Research 1983 (Commodore reprint, approx. 900 pages).
Comments: the official manuals (also know as Soft Guides) from Digital Research on CP/M. Though reading!
- Den Joyce Programmieren/Raffinierte Programmier-Tricks. Kotulla, Franzis' 1987, German 158 pages.
Cover: am Anfang des Buches stellt Martin Kotulla einige nuetzliche Programme aus sein Feder vor. Ueber eine leichtverstaendliche Einfuehrung in das CP/M-Betriebssysteem fuehrt der Weg hin zu den BIOS- und BDOS-Aufrufen. Eine detaillierte Behandlung der Mallard-Basic-Befehle rundet das interessante Angebot ab. Dabei geht es besonders um die Unterschiede zum Basic der Schneider-CPC's. Es wird dadurch dem Joyce-Eigner ermoeglicht, aus dem umfangreichen Software-reservoir der CPC zu schoepfen.
Comments: handy overviews of the PCW CP/M ins and outs plus an unusual approach to Basic (stating the differences between the CPC and the PCW);
- Desktop Publishing with the Amstrad PCW. Michael Milan, NCC Publications 1987, English 215 pages.
Cover: as well as looking at the integrated DTP packages now available for the Amstrad PCW, it suggests ways of enhancing any material produced on the Amstrad intended for duplication, ways of including illustrations, and of generating visual aids. Throughout the book there are suggestions for embellishing the output with whatever methods are available and appropriate;
- Getting started with the Amstrad PCW8256/8512 Word Processor. Susan V. Rogers, Phoenix Publishing Ass. 1986, English 168 pages.
Cover: Aimed at first time users, this book will take you from setting up and guide you, step by step, to becoming a proficient user;
- Grafiekboek voor de CPC/Joyce. Steigers/Vervorst, Data Becker Nederlands 1987, Dutch 480 pages.
Cover: Dit boek is bedoeld voor iedereen die van mening is dat op de CPC-computer geen goede grafische toepassingen verwezenlijkt kunnen worden. De twee auteurs van dit boek bewijzen het tegendeel door CPC-Chart, een diagramgenerator, door DESTROYED, het arcadespel, door CPC's WORLD, een 3D-animatieprogramma, door een tekenprogramma, door vectorgrafieken en sprites. Naast de listings van deze programma's vindt de lezer eveneens de beschrijvingen van opbouw en werking van het afgedrukte programma. Voor de Joyce is een apart gedeelte opgenomen over de GSX-grafiek.
Comments: more dedicated to the CPC graphics, the PCW part only comprises a description about GSX and a Basic listing;
- Het grote Joyce-boek. Dullin, Data Becker Nederlands 1986, Dutch 370 pages.
Cover: haal meer uit uw Joyce! In dit 'all-round-boek' wordt op een begrijpelijke manier het gebruik van de tekstverwerker LocoScript alsmede het operating-system CP/M beschreven. De inleiding over Mallard Basic biedt u onder andere een beschrijving van de output van de printer, een maskergenerator, sorteerroutines en gegevensverwerking.
Comments: probably the best you can get in Dutch. Basic listings for a neat database program(JetSam keyed index), lots of useful examples and source code in BASIC, Logo and Z80 (using SID);
- Introducing Amstrad CP/M Assembly Language. Ian Sinclair, Collins Professional and Technical Books, 1986;
- Joyce - mehr als ein Textsystem. Anwendungen und Problemloesungen fuer PCW 8256/8512/9512. N. Kroeger/W. Kerstling/B. Graszhoff, DMV Verlag 1989, German 316 pages.
Cover (parts of it): Es ist das erklaerte Ziel des vorliegenden Buches, den JOYCE/PCW als das zu praesentieren, was er de facto ist: ein vollwertiger Computer. Der Anwender soll die Arbeit mit dem zum System gelieferten Software naehergebracht und erleichtert werden, wobei sowohl der fortgeschrittene User als auch der absolute Laie an diesem Werk ein wertvolle Hilfe finden werden.
Comments: a great book on Logo, Basic with listings. Attention is paid to hardware, among others by means of a DIY scheme for a speech synthesiser, colour printing on the 8000 series, plus descriptions of the interface and other add-ons;
- Joyce: CP/M compleet. F. van Empel, JCC 1993, Dutch 153 pages.
Comments: CP/M manual and PCW reference guide, written to replace the original Dutch manual which was a bad translated from the UK version. Corrects errors and adds numerous details;
- Joyce Sonderhefte 1-87, 2-87/88, 3-88. DMV Verlag 1987-1988, German.
Comments: not actual books but special issues (PCW dedicated) of the superb magazine PC Amstrad International. I consider these issues, as well as the magazine itself, to be great sources of information on programming, hardware-DIY and software reviews. These three Sonderhefte are still top of the bill!
- Kundendienst Service manual in English and German (PDF file: 1.841.143 bytes). Low resolution but nevertheless readable.
Comments: the technical manual for the 8256/8512.
- LocoScript 2 and Amstrad PCW Computers: the complete guide. John. M. Hughes, Sigma 1987, English 226 pages.
Cover: in this completely new book, John Hughes presents an easy-to-use but comprehensive guide to Locomotive's powerful word processor, LocoScript 2. Three chapters are devoted to LocoMail. There are also major sections on C/M and applications software for those intending to use their PCW as something more than just a word processor;
- LocoScripting People. Managing lists with a PC or Amstrad PCW. Jane Clayton and Richard Clayton. Sigma Press & Wilmslow 1992, English 228 pages.
Cover: this book is for organisers of clubs, societies, charities and fan clubs: publishers of newsletters, representatives chasing sales leads - in fact, anybody who needs to keep in touch with long lists of people and despairs of how much time it is taking. See how to: plan lists for computer storage, use LocoFile to do the donkey work, list the members in any order, maintain membership renewal information, write personalised letters with the aid of the computer, print the labels … and much more!;
- Looking into LocoScript 2 for the Amstrad PCW 9512, 8256 & PCW 8512. Susan V. Rogers, Prentice Hall, 1988, English 260 pages.
This book, written for those who are first time users and those who already have a knowledge of word-processing. The book covers all aspects of the program, from the essentials of formatting and copying disc to the final production of perfect documents.
- Mallard Basic. For the Amstrad PCW 8256/8512 & PCW 9512. Introduction and reference. Corrected reprint Locomotive Software1989. Contains the Basic part of the Amstrad system book but more extensive plus: examples. English, 434 pages;
- Mastering the Amstrad PCW 8256/8512. John. M. Hughes, Sigma 1986, English 254 pages.
Cover: a large part of this book is concerned with word-processing - in fact, the book itself was originally written LocoScript, the software package supplied with the 8256/8512. You'll find that this part of the book is an excellent tutorial - taking you from the simplest to the most advanced uses of word processing. A separate section covers the use of NewWord, the powerful alternative from NewStar Software. But this is not just about word processing. Thorough introductions to databases, spreadsheets and accounts packages are included. And, for the more ambitious, the CP/M operating system is covered in enough detail to enable the vast library of CP/M software to be efficiently used;
- PCW Machine Code. Michael Keys, Spa Associates 1988, English 174 pages.
Comments: step by step introduction into Z80 machine code programming, especially for the Amstrad PCW 8256/8512/9512 with lots of working examples (also see PCW Super Code);
- PCW Plus. The tips collection. Future Publishing, April 1992. The updated and expanded version of the 8000 Plus Collection containing over 200 new tips. English, 128 pages.
Cover: this book is intended for all owners of the Amstrad PCW range of word processing computers. It is the most comprehensive book of hints, tips and ideas on every aspect of using these computers ever published;
- PCW Super Code. Michael Keys, Spa Associates 1990, English 215 pages.
Cover: the second best book on programming the PCW 8256/8512/9512. The while book is a gold min of information. It stand out as an example that programming does not have to be dull, boring or confusing. The author talks about machine code as if it is no more complicated than drawing up a shopping list and his readers will believe him. Intended as a sequel to PCW Machine Code.
Comments: lots of Z80 code, including many useful routines;
- PCW: Streamlined BASIC. Geoffrey Childs, PCW-World 1989, English 115 pages.
Cover: a comprehensive guide to streamlining Mallard Basic on the Amstrad PCW range.
Comments: nasty little Mallard Basic (v1.29 and 1.39) routines that can be incorporated in your own programs. Lots of PEEK's and POKE's (including those to hack Amstrad protected listings). Perfect for experimenting with Basic programming and, indeed, streamlining your own programs!;
This book is now accessible via Internet, thanks to the efforts of Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France. Work is still to be done to test the programs (proof-run on a PCW). To be continued and: no guarantees given in the meantime, but I thought it interesting enough to publish it already and (possibly) update later...
Streamlined BASIC opens in a new window.
- Pocket Wordstar on the Amstrad PCW 8256/512. Ian Sinclair, Glentop 1986, English 122 pages.
Comments: not much users will have WordStar, having free access to the excellent LocoScript, but several implementations of WordStar were made for the PCW;
- Program your PCW!: Mallard Basic on the PCW 8256/512. Ian Sinclair, Glentop 1986, English 175 pages.
Cover: This book is about how to use Mallard Basic on Amstrad's PCW computers. It starts out from the very beginning, assuming you know nothing about BASIC or programming. In easy stages, it takes the reader through displaying messages on the screen, data statements, formulae and functions, loops and string handling. Later chapters deal with data files. Both serial files and random-access files using JETSAM are explained in easy to understand terms.
Comments: lots of small listings, no full programs though;
- Protext. A PCW user's guide. Rob Ainsley, BSP Professional Books, 1989. Basic and advanced Protext plus tips. English 246 pages.
Cover: this book takes the first-time user through all the basic features with an easy to follow, tutorial-style approach. It also covers the more powerful parts of Protext - particularly the mail merging and text database facilities - in detail with many practical examples. A special feature of this book is the large section of Tips which can be referred to at any time;
- The advanced guide to MicroDesign 2, User Direct.
Cover: for the more experienced MicroDesign 2 user, here's a wealth of information on these diverse and fascinating topics: creating an A2 sized poster, advanced use of the print queue, adding accented characters to an existing font, creating drop shadows on text, creating a 'backdrop' effect, designing a crossword puzzle grid.
- The Amstrad Companion. D. Lawrence and M. England, Sunshine, English 244 pages.
Cover: an authoritative guide to working with the CP/M operating system and to practical applications using the Logo and Basic programming languages. Included in the book are updated versions of programs which are being used in more than 20 countries around the world to file data, issue invoices, keep simple accounts, create budgets and display data in the form of graphs.
Comments: it were the GSX graphics samples, tailored to my data, that got me a high grade for my study-paper back in '86. I still find the GSX explanation useful, next to the section on Logo and the program listings are of good quality;
- The Amstrad CP/M Plus. D. Powys-Lybbe & A.R.M. Clarke, M.M.L. Systems 1986, English 518 pages.
Cover: this is the book that was originally designed by Amstrad to unlock the power of CP/M Plus for the Amstrad Computer User. It is written to be used by all CP/M Plus users from the raw beginner to the professional programmer, and contains details about CP/M Plus that have never before been published. It can be used as a reference guide but is readable too.
Comments: I agree with that;
- The Amstrad PCW series. F. John Atherton, Dabs Press.
Cover: this book makes it clear from the start that LocoScript is what makes the PCW a wordprocessor, but that otherwise it's a proper computer capable of all manner of things beyond wordprocessing and basic database management.
- The Complete Guide to the Amstrad PCW 8256 & 8512, edition 2. Dennis Publishing Ltd. 1987, 88 pages.
Cover: full details of over 400 products. Your best buy guide.
Comments: outdated now, but still useful.
- The essential guide to CP/M, User Direct.
Cover: at last - all the information you've long been searching for about all aspects of CP/M, the operating system of your PCW - carefully designed to meet the widest range of needs, from beginner to the much more experienced user.
- The essential guide to LocoScript 2, User Direct.
Cover: are you using LocoScript to the full? Do you feel you're getting the very best out of your wordprocessing? Maybe not - so Liz Bruce, top LocoScript expert, comes to your rescue with quality advice which will transform your use of the PCW and get you to master the machine rather than the other way around!
- The essential guide to LocoScript 3, User Direct.
Cover: if you are printing a newsletter, pamphlet or complete book, then this is just the guide for you. It covers all aspects of typesetting, from the lowly punctuation mark to the layout of whole pages, and explains how LocoScript 3 can make it all happen.
- The essential guide to Mallard BASIC, User Direct.
Cover: this is an essential guide with a big difference. It allows you instant access to information on all the standard Basic commands, the CP/M-like commands in Basic, and other vital information, all from within Basic itself. So if you are busy writing a program and can't think of how to use PRINT STRING, or what the difference is between KILL and ERASE, or what the opposite of ASC is, just press F7, followed by the first letter of the keyword you're after, and up comes the information you need.
- The essential guide to MicroDesign 2, User Direct.
Cover: an introduction to MicroDesign 2, packed with illustrations, which takes you from the first steps to more advanced applications in a series of easy to follow step by step tutorials.
- The essential guide to Protext, User Direct.
Cover: a comprehensive guide in words and pictures to the PCW's alternative wordprocessor, suited to both beginners and advanced users. It offers these features and much more too: learning Protext to the full, tips, hints and short cuts, every aspect of Protext explored.
- The free software handbook. Platt Hatcher and Van Meter, People Talk Series 1984-1985 CP/M edition, English 342 pages, 3 x 3" disks.
Cover: dozens of programs to make your computer work its little chips off!.
Comments: not a book in itself but a manual to a whole collection of public domain programs which came with the book on two disks. At the time the best value for money (outdated at present)!;
- The user's guide to the Amstrad PCW 8256/8512. Don Thomasson, Melbourne House Publishers 1986, English 154 pages.
Cover: how to use LocoScript, includes an alphabetical reference guide allowing you to quickly find how to achieve your objectives. All details required for CP/M, including hints for advanced users. The special features of the Mallard Basic are highlighted, with particular emphasis on file handling, including examples. Plus, for advanced users, special sections covering advanced use of the printer, BIOS, BDOS, calls to CP/M, a list full of printable characters and details of how they are entered.
Comments: nice listing and good tables;
- Wegwijs op de JOYCE. Fette, Data Becker Nederlands 1986, Dutch 131 pages.
Cover: Op overzichtelijke wijze wordt in dit boek het gebruik van de Joyce uiteengezet. Allereerst wordt stap voor stap verteld hoe de Joyce aangesloten moet worden. Vervolgens worden alle aspecten van de Joyce belicht. Uiteraard wordt ook de meegeleverde software, namelijk CP/M, BASIC en LOGO alsmede LOCO-SCRIPT, in de beschrijving opgenomen;
I welcome additions to the list: these will be added and marked as 'not available with the JCC'. So far all entries in the listing are available with the JCC. The JCC list is not yet complete and considering the vast number of (other languages: how about Spanish, French and e.g. Danish?) publications by far complete. Books available can be lent out to members of the JCC.
Any comments or suggestions relating to this site would be appreciated.
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